czwartek, 19 kwietnia 2012

Log coloring with bash

Below is link to short script I've made to see different logs with highlight different patterns.
How to use it ?

shamrock@alucard:~/dev/shell$ ./
Usage : ./ <-g|--grep,-l|--less,-m|--more,-t|--tail> file [line|pattern]
-g, --grep - use grep with highlight
-l, --less - use less with highlight
-m, --more - use more with highlight
-t, --tail - use tail with highlight
line - highlights whole line
pattern - highlights whole pattern
Available colours: black,red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan,white
Available bold colours: blackb,redb,greenb,yellowb,blueb,magentab,cyanb,whiteb

It is possible to use sed different patterns inside quotation marks i.e.:

cgrep sample.log pattern redb "Process target" blueb [Cc]urrent magentab "[0-9]\{3,10\}"

How doe it work in practice?

shamrock@alucard:~/dev/shell$ cat test
Lorem ipsum
Test lorem ipsum
test test lorem ipsum
shamrock@alucard:~/dev/shell$ ./ --grep test redb [Ll]orem

Lorem ipsum
lorem ipsum
test test
lorem ipsum